Tuesday 6 October 2009

Inner Wheel Arch Protection

Well Summer is gone and Winter is on the way, time to address some rust prevention issues!

It seems that every car that comes in has issues in this area, some almost innocent brown stains make way to bubbles and then all too soon you have an extra large hole.

Why when Lancia went to the trouble of making plastic wheel arch liners did they not cover this area? Maybe they ran out of plastic and it was late Friday afternoon.....

Many cars come in with this area already patched up of course, this issue is by no means new. The problem then is that the person usually doing the patching up makes a piece which doesn't have the access hole in it, then the nuts which hold the anchoring plate below spin and you're into a much bigger job. I have even seen this plate welded on to the crossmember which make things even worse when you come to working on the car.

So to protect this vulnerable area we came up with these.
Just take out your front arch liner, put this in position and then the arch liner back in place, the old liner will need a bit trimming from the edge (we use tin snips) to take up the extra thickness. They don't need any extra fixings and are held in place by the original liner. As usual view the website for more details.


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Welcome to the Deltaparts Blog, here you will find, well, anything which is on my mind I guess, but mainly things to do with the Lancia Delta integrale and in particular anything to do with my business, Deltaparts. It will be a bit irregular as it's not every day (or even week) that something worth mentioning happens. I would like to try and make it interesting - at least to some people anyhow, but also hopefully accessible and readable for the average 'man on the street' so I won't bore you with loads of large words, bombastic overblown sentences or technical jargon. I will describe on here how lots of the parts that we sell came about as there isn't room on the website ( www.deltaparts.co.uk ) to explain. I hope you enjoy reading it as I do writing it, when something becomes a chore you know it's time to stop doing it....